Refund Policy

  1. No refund will be given in any case after purchase of course.
  2. Course & telegram group access will be revoked if any user uses unparliamentary/bad/derogatory words or spreads hate/negativity or tries to create unrest among other group members.
  3. Admin holds complete authority to end course access & telegram group access if user is involved in any activity other than educational discussion.
  4. Admin holds complete authority to remove user from telegram group & course access can be revoked anytime. His decision will be final & obligatory to all users.
  5. Questions provided in paid group are memory based/taken from various telegram groups & other open platform, we do not guarantee their authenticity & accuracy however questions can be reviewed once notified to admin depending upon admin's availability.
  6. Contact Us: If You’ve have concerns or queries regarding this Agreement, You may write to us by email at